Rook by Ellen Cooper

Ellen Cooper

All my life I have been driven to create, one of my earliest sculptures, age 4, was of my teddy!

Clay is my favourite medium for sculpting (I also paint). Sometimes I sculpt from life, sometimes sculptures emerge from the clay. My Recycled series is inspired by and built from rejected pots.

 I have always been a keen observer of animals and the natural world and this inspires a lot of my work, some of which is detailed and realistic, some spontaneous or abstract. I am also interested in myth and ancient cultures and have created some weird and wonderful figures ranging from cave horses to strange beasts.

Dogs are probably my favourite animal, as you might guess if you visit my website. Making people’s pets is very rewarding. Capturing their individuality and character is the challenge. The trouble is, I get to know them so well in the process that I don’t want to say goodbye!