Geraldine McLoughlin

Geraldine McLoughlin

I have a background in Art and Textiles but over the past few years I have chosen to work with glass.

I now have three kilns and a studio where I design and make kiln formed and cast glass pieces, plus larger sculptures for outdoors. Concepts are developed over time through photographs, drawings and test pieces before the final design is ready to be fired. Experimenting with colour is magical and due to the diversity of handmade glass, no two pieces are ever the same, plus changing reflections add a dimension that cannot be duplicated in any other material. After firing, which can take from 24hrs to 3 weeks, some pieces have to be worked on with various tools to obtain the desired result. This is called cold working.

My work includes wall panels, free standing sculptures and framed work plus other pieces which can all be seen on my website.