Gordon Senior

Gordon Senior

Senior’s sculptures include casts of arable plants such as barley, wheat and oats. Often the root as well as the plant is featured. Frozen moments in the plant’s lifecycle invite consideration of evolution, natural selection, cultivation, and the plants’ significance to us. His working methods reflect his preoccupation with arable landscapes. Using a range of different coloured sands and chippings which when added to cement becomes terrazzo, historically used by the Italians; he sands, polishes and hones each object to its final state.

Recent exhibitions:

2024                 Don Soker Contemporary Art, San Francisco.

2024                 Bayfield Sculpture Trail, Bayfield Estate, Norfolk.

2024                 Taking Time, The Cut, Halesworth, Suffolk.

2024                 Creating Spaces, Cotswold Sculptors Exhibition. Miserden.                       

2024                  Himalayan Sculpture Gardens, North Yorkshire.

2023                 Small Works, Strata Gallery, Santa Fee, NM.

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