Clare Stephens

My work combines ideas and values integral to those within the art of midwifery, being-with or the sense of presence. These are a constant balance, in flux, ever adapting, realigning, facilitating accepting, transcending culture, society and time. These concepts I explored during the BA and MA in Ceramics (completed 2023) following a 37-year midwifery and nursing career.

Clays are perfect for expressing these values as are found throughout the world, each unique reflecting their journey of origin and formation, yet made of three basic molecules. This mirrors our uniqueness from heritage, community, experiences all creating our individuality, we are inherently the same. During making, materiality of clay, inherited tacit knowledge, incorporating wood firing, local brick, wild clays and ash reinforce these connections.

Sculptures are made from a variety of clays with varied properties and textures. Dialogue or interaction within elements of each unified piece and their surroundings is a balance, demonstrating, empathy, dialogue, potential for our well-being, that of others, and can facilitate collaboration. Technical, material knowledge and form is part of timeless interaction and understanding of varied societies and cultures.