
Lynda Knott

I have always loved to experiment! From scientist to mosaic artist, I am constantly playing with new materials, intrigued by how they interact with each other. Inspiration springs from my immediate environment, often the forgotten or overlooked. 

Recent experiments have played with my fascination in the detritus of my bonfire, creating a nonconventional beauty using rusty, fire scorched metal, and partially burnt timbers, often enhanced with handmade Venetian gold smalti. My most experimental artwork has an impermanence and potential for further interaction with the environment which I love. 

I have recently discovered the Japanese aesthetic of Wabi-Sabi: ‘the beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete’ which neatly encapsulates the direction of my art (and sounds much better than saying ‘I love all things rusty and burnt!). 

After a career in research biochemistry, I co-founded TomatoJack Arts in 2011 – a mosaic studio in Berkeley, Gloucestershire. I am a Professional Member of the British Association for Modern Mosaic (BAMM), and I continue to expand and develop my practice by attending workshops and courses in the UK and Internationally