248 Sandra Camargo Cosmos

Sandra Camargo

Sandra Camargo is a self-taught stone sculptor. She works with traditional hand-carving tools, rejecting mass-production and consumerism.

Her work influenced by sculptors of the twentieth century, and particularly by the enduring legacy of the Modernist movement: abstractism and experimentation with form. 

The dialect of her work is of shape and form and light; how the light travels through stone or impacts the surface, and how the negative space modifies or becomes a part of the work.

She feels a strong connection with the stones she carves. She takes time choosing which stones to work with, and sometimes she believes in some way that they choose her. Before she starts carving, she tries to get to know the stone, sense its energy, structure, form, its formation and incredible age. 

The proto-organic forms of the carvings often speak of animate objects unearthed from ancient stone. 

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