Steve Mansfield

Steve Mansfield

Sculptor Steve Mansfield creates unique hand crafted driftwood art
inspired by wading birds of the coast and estuaries.

Wind and tide washed with worm holes, knots, burns, cracks and natural textures showing traces of a previous use.  Hand crafted with maybe some lime wax or a touch of paint and a rusty nail, an artwork is created. Staring at piles of driftwood for weeks, sometimes months until inspiration strikes and two pieces come together.  For years an old boat spar was used as a garden chair arm before being transformed into the head of a large water bird.

The sea sculpts driftwood, wearing away the soft grain, beautifying cracks, holes and flaky paint. Inspired by the form and texture Steve sculpts using hand tools, enhancing the found shapes – finishing the sculpture that was started by the sea.